Sunday, February 22, 2009

La première dérive

My daughter is undertaking an interesting GPS-based project today for one of her art school classes. She calls it Dérive, which is French for drift. Jacey has been geocaching with me a few times over the years, so it's interesting to me to see how she is applying her experience with GPS to create this project. You can read the blog she created for this here. I'm not sure I completely understand what's she's doing, but I'm looking forward to reading about it and viewing her photos.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

That looks like a really interesting project - but maybe you need to lend her a real GPS for next time, seems like the iphone was more a hindrance than a help :)

Have just found your blog, by the way, it's fascinating to read things from a reviewer's perspective, thanks for taking the time to do this